← Older: USA – Road Trip – Healdsburg / Wine Country – 30th September
After a fairly lazy start to the day, we packed up the tent and all the gear as usual into the car, said goodbye to …
Newer: USA – Road Trip – Point Reyes/San Francisco – 2nd October →
We got up and spent a good part of the morning sorting out the car, making sure our bags weren’t quite so spread out as …
USA – Road Trip – Point Reyes – 1st October
We journeyed off down the 1 to Point Reyes National Seashore about an hour north of San Francisco. The drive down was once again very scenic and rugged, so with a few stops along the way we made our way to The Samuel P Taylor State Park to find a camping spot, the main problem being that it was the weekend and the campground was already full with more San Francisco weekend holidayers! We knew of one other campground in the area called the Olema RV resort and after a quick call we learned that camping spots were available, at an all time high of $42/night! It was a very well equipped campground and we found a spot amongst many campers, which made a change for us!
We got back to the campsite when it was dark, prepared a stella meal and then proceeded to sit in the laundrette to do some washing and work indoors for a bit. We won’t miss these laundrettes!
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